
June Release Notes

We are excited to share exciting new features released this month! They will help you and your team better leverage the power of Klear to manage and grow your business.

August 8, 2024

June 2024 Updates

1) Improved Trade View
2) Improvements to Bulk Upload
3) New Trade-building Tutorial
4) New UI for Receiving Invoice Purchasing Offers
5) Updated Onboarding Process
6) New Trade Status: Archived
7) New in Treasury: “Save Payee”

1) Improved Trade View

Trade View with Update Count

To improve trade building, we have added new functionality to the trade view. Now, you can view the total number of updates for each operational milestone in your trade.

Update Count

You can also view the trade overview report by clicking on the eye icon on the trade view page. 

View Button

Finally, you can now see the companies involved in each milestone when editing a trade.

Edit Trade View Showing Counterparties

2) Improvements to Bulk Upload

We have been improving how we import your Customer and Supplier lists in cases where you have too many customers or suppliers to input one at a time. This involves you providing us with your Customer or Supplier list in a specific format so we can upload it to your account. Contact your account manager if you would like to request an import.

3) New Trade-building Tutorial

To help your team learn how to build a trade, we are creating an interactive tutorial. Trade-building is what makes the value of KLEAR in your business come to life and this will help you get off the ground running and make full use of our powerful features.

Tutorial View for Creating Trade

4) New UI for Receiving Offers for Capital

For eligible organizations, you can now see and accept offers from Klear on our main site. You will get a notification through the platform if an offer is available and it will appear on your trade list:

Example Offer Notification on Email and Platform
Button For Viewing Offer

A customized offer with linked policies will appear after clicking the blue “Acceptance” button. You can then review the offer and sign to accept it.

Signature Box for Accepting Offer on Platform

To become eligible to receive offers at Klear’s discretion, verify your identity on the Treasury page and set your trade status from “draft” to “published”.

5) Updated Onboarding Process

To best support our customers and maintain a quality network on Klear, we have removed the organic sign-up page to ensure organizations are invited with an account manager assigned, correct linking within the Klear network to customers and suppliers, and assisted onboarding with optional support to help teach your team how to use impactful features on Klear.

6) New Trade Status: Archived

To keep your trade list organized, we have introduced a new trade status called “archived”. You can archive trades that are drafted but will not be active. These trades may have been, for instance, built to test the platform or represent a trade with a canceled order. Archived trades, unlike active and closed trades, will not show up in your analytics.

Change Status of Trade to Archived
Archived Status on Trade View

7) New in Treasury: “Save Payee”

To streamline your Treasury flow, you can now save payee information when making payments from your Klear account. This allows you to later re-use the payee’s information to save you time while increasing accuracy and control.

Payment Modal on Platform
Save Details Button to Save Payee Information