Changing or Updating a P.O Number

What happens when you need to correct a P.O. number

In the case that you publish a trade with the incorrect Purchase Order number or your Purchase Order's number has changed, you will not be able to edit the P.O number on the existing trade. The way to correct a purchase order number is to "copy" your trade and input the up-to-date information. You can do so by following the instructions below.

  1. When you copy a trade, the documents uploaded with that trade will not be included in the copy. If there are multiple documents attached to the trade that you're copying and you don't want to lose them you can download them from the existing trade into a single folder on your desktop to make it easy to re-add them to the copied version of the trade. To do this, download all or individual files as needed from the "Files" tab on the "Trade Activity" page. If you choose to download all files, they will be compressed into a zip file which you can double-click on to expand.
  1. Go the the trades page, select the three dots of the trade you would like to create a copy of, and select the clipboard icon that says "Copy Trade"
  1. You will be taken to a page with the purchase order information already filled out, but editable, and will be able to change any information you need. Additionally, you will need to submit the Purchase Order file separately. Click "Submit" when you are done.
  1. Once you submit the trade information, you will be taken to a page with a timeline of your purchase order. The milestones associated with the Purchase order you have copied will also be copied over. Select "Finish Building" when you are done building your order.
  1. The only information that will not be copied over are the files, so if applicable, you will have to upload each individual file to its corresponding milestone.

It is not possible to delete a trade, however, there is an "Archive" feature where you will be able to remove a trade from your list of "Published," "Active," and "Draft" trades and ensure that the numbers from are not included in the stats on your dashboard. More information on Trade Status can be found here.