How to copy Trades

The quickest way to input repeated trades.

How to Copy Trades

What does it mean to copy a Trade?

Copying a Trade simply means that you make a duplicate of that Trade — kind of like copy and paste. You’ll still have to input a new purchase order for your copied Trade (because a new Trade should be a new purchase), but all your other data and milestones will be copied over from the original Trade. You’ll have the option to make any edits you need.

Why would I want to copy a Trade?

If you have a contract that involves many, very similar Trades, it can be useful to copy them without having to rebuild each Trade from scratch. Similarly, you might have multiple, very similar contracts, which also make it convenient to copy Trades. More rarely, if you ever make an error on a Trade, and that information can’t be edited, you can copy the Trade to correct the mistake without having to reenter all the other Trade data.

How do I copy a Trade?

First, navigate to the “Trades” view in KLEAR. You’ll see that each Trade has 3 vertical dots under the “Action” header. When clicked on, three options will appear. Click on the dots correlating to the trade you want to copy and select the clipboard icon - this is the copy button.

When you click the copy button for your desired Trade, you’ll see a space to upload a new purchase order document, and the option to edit other details of the Trade. 

Click “Submit” to advance to the next screen, where you’ll have the option to add or edit milestones in your new, copied Trade. Finally, click “finish building” to complete your new Trade.